Monday, August 31, 2009

New Competition

So due to the prodding of a really good friend who i met about a year ago on, i have decided to join a 4 month competion online. It starts Sept. 1st and ends Jan. 1st. One good thing about this competition is that it is going to force me to buy a scale, so i will have a regular way to weight myslef. According to the scale i used at my dads, i'm still at 226, my neighbors... i was down to 224, and the scale at my work said i was back up to 230 last night.. UGH!!! Are you fricking kidding me... Okay, so yes, a lot of it IS my fault. I've once again let my diet slack and i haven't been doing any walking. Beginning of the school year was crazy. So i'm hoping that this competition along with the support of other members will help me get to where i would really like to be. I guess i'm going to go on a hunt for a cheap scale tonight so that i can get my weight and picture turned in to the competition tomorrow. Best Wishes to all who enter. I'm not solely doing it to win anything. I need the support and motivation, and i know there are others who do also. A few more friends wouldn't hurt anything either.. :)


Karilynn said...

Yeah.. but you should still be in it to win it! ;o) Win or lose.. it's still ultimately up to you! I will always be here supporting you Christen... now you'll have a few other supporters! YOU CAN DO THIS!!! :o)

Vicki said...

You can do it -- I never won or came in second last time around (although I tried really hard)... but I lost almost 25 lbs and am feeling so much better.
It is worth the work - Don't let yourself give up